Sunday, 3 August 2014

The coin exhibition and different kind of joys

During this week everybody was preparing for Wednesday as then in JACis was going to e held an exhibition.

Nevertheless the last activities of Kalim-bam-ba continued as we helped them and even took part.
The activities that took part during this week:

  First there was Petanka, a really fun game that the kids from the project introduced for the first time. We, even as volunteers, were really happy that we can join this game and learned it.

By the end of it the organizatiors held ceremony to give dimploms to the participans.

This month was deffinetely the beading month as on several occasions in JACis we had beading workshops. This particular were organized from the local JACis volunteers. But of course we had to join too :D


Looks just like real, does it not?

Is it that scary, Prokop?  :p

And finally arrived Wednesday. The man who organized the exhibitions is called Bronislavs and he had one of he greatest collection of coins, old and new, I have ever seen. 

When I came to JACis the first and second room were already full. The table in the first was covered with collection of Euros from the all European contries.

The billard table with banknots - new and old.

And all the other places with internation coins from all kind of countries: from Afrika and Amerika to the Far East (China, Japan, Korea).

It was amazing how interesting was the colection and it was not even the full one. Not less amazing was how much the man himself knew about his coins and was constantly telling us about them, from where they are, from which year and all their details.

We had to look at some of the coins with magnifying glass to see all the small details better.
All in all we spent at least two ours looking at this exhibition and listening to Bronislavs' explanations.

I can honestly said that it was one of the most interesting events and all of us and the youngsters were really happy that it took place in JACis.

After this event the work in JACis went on different ways.
The local volunteers and youngters in JACis stayed in the second room and played billard. It's like a traditional JACis game which every youngster in JACis is either learning or really good at.. I myself tried to learn a little. I can play now. Unfortuantely I'm not good at it. Yet :)

On the other hand




We, as volunteers had our 'favorite task' to do - couting checks. Ah the joys of EVS



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