As always the workshop for the 10th years university continued, especially interesting being the Video workshop lead by Anna.
But we felt something different around us.
First we traveled to Riga where we walked around the old town and the river to the houses of Art Nouveau. They were especially interesting for me as I'm fascinated with the life in the old time. To imagine people living in this buildings with enourmously big rooms and high ceiling, modern pictures hanging from the walls and a grand piano in every house - it was truly amazing for me.
I alway liked Riga because, different from another capitals, it had perseved its old building in the center and you can really feel its history on the streets outside the old town.
On the second day we headed for Sigulda. I was excited to go there because I had read about the Gauja park and wanted to go for about two months already. We left our heavy bags in the infromation office and went straigh for the castles.
In these two days we went to the both castles, the Gutman cave, the Serpentin road as well as the ruins on top of it. We also marvelled at Gauja's river from the bridge.
Spenidng two days in Sigulda and mainly in the National park I can say that I loved it. Gauja park holds amazingly beautiful nature in itself. The Gutman cave was especially interesting for us as it was the first time we see a cave with such ingravings on its walls.
Latvia is surely a country that holds many beautiful things in it's towns and forests, me and my friend both agreed on it. I hope I can return someday and explore it once again.
Needless to say we the vounteers eagerly embraced the idea of taking part in an Latvian tradition and begin the task to make the most beautiful gates ever.
And then finally came the day - 26th of July, the day of the wedding. It was an especially hot day but we didn't feel it so much, it was as if even the sun was happy. The both newlyweds were beautiful and most importantly - smiling like the happiest and luckiest fools in Rezekne. Ah, I guess it's great to be in love.
Anyway we started our little challenge. It all went exceptionally well, the best man and woman were finny answering the questions and needn't to say they got everything right.
When it was time for the bribing we recived out award for the hard work until now.
. . .
And of course had to eat it right away.